Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Embrace Who U Are!!

It's amazing how we can go through years of our life not knowing who WE truly are. Many live a life devoted to their loved ones and often find themself lost within the context of that identity. Unfortunately, that person is not the person whose spirit burns deep inside yearning to come out, but afraid to for fear of what those around them will think and even respond. That fear enables people to live a truly AUTHENTIC life. You owe it to yourself to be TRUE to yourself. You only have one life and it is your duty to tap into that inner being that GOD has created. Contrary to the life you have been living, no matter how great if has been, can be greater when you INCORPORATE GOD and HIS PLAN. His plan is without a doubt GREATER than any plan we could ever create for ourselves. Now that is not to say that HIS plan is necessarily the plan we want for ourselves, but often times what we feel is the right thing for us may not always be the BEST thing for us. Take time to get to know yourself. I mean truly know yourself. You will find that underneath all of the pain, heartache, disappointment, and so forth, there lays an AMAZING BEING. Someone created in the image of GOD. What is more BEAUTIFUL than that?

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