Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Monday, December 11, 2017

Adjusting Your Sails

Life can take us many places. Some places are a part of our plan and other places, weeelll not so much. However, that doesn't mean that the journey isn't going to be worth it. We can lose focus sometimes because our vision is only set on the destination and because of that limited view we have set for ourselves, we lose sight of the journey. We aren't in the Here and Now and we often find ourselves spending the very moment we are in worried about tomorrow, while holding on to the yesterday. At some point we have to Let Go of what no longer serves us for the greater good and focus on what is attainable and right in front of us, Right Here and Right Now.

I know for many of you, you are saying to yourself, "That is easier said than done!" and I would agree with you. However, I would also point out that, it is a lot easier to do than many of you believe. As a matter of fact, many of you are already doing.... You just don't give yourself the credit you deserve because you are too caught on the destination. You are missing out on the very essence of all that life has to offer.

For many, we envision a goal and what we believe achieving that goal will look like. Unfortunately, life doesn't quite work that way and there inlays the problem. Instead of being thrown off or discouraged because the situation and or destination looks nothing like we ever imagined, we simply just need to "Adjust Our Sails". Like any experienced captain, you have the capability of foresight and because of this ability, if we are truly in the Here and Now, we can make the needed adjustments to remain firm and unwavering regardless of what may come our way. Yes, there will be a few bumps and bruises and even turns that will take you a bit off course. However, if you adjust your sails and move with the current instead of against you, you will see that you can in fact weather the storm and keep pushing forward towards the destination.

Always remember that there is Beauty even in the mist of chaos. There is a lesson in everything and it is your responsibility to pay attention to and receive the lesson that has been laid out in front of you. Whether you understand the point of the lesson, or even feel like it's a lesson you need to learn; it is still a learning experience all the same. Don't be afraid of the forks in the road on the way to your destination, you never know what is waiting for you. Be open to the possibilities and don't limit your view. Life can be lived without limits, if you simply learn to "Adjust Your Sail".

Love and Light!!
"I See The Divine In You"