Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Saturday, April 13, 2013


SIX more weeks and counting!!! I am soooo excited and definitely counting down the weeks before I complete my program. This GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT is one of the few things that keep me focused when life's distractions seem to get in the way of me chasing my goals and dreams. I was reading The Daily LOve, an inspirirational blog that I follow and the blog for the day was mind blowing. It really helped me to look at things from another perspective. A perspective that forces me to truly look at the distractions I have and how much they are greatly slowing me down. It really just made me slow down and gather my thoughts on some unhealthy habits that I have. Habits that I didnt realize was effecting me that bad. Just some things that are a part of my everyday life. Even down to some of my coping skills. Just like my last blog stated, LIFE IS ALL ABOUT CHOICES. We can't always pick and choose exactly which storm we may want to endure, but we do have the power of is how we let that storm affect us, how we choose to weather through. Do we grab our umbrella and keep walking until we see sunshine? There are various answers to that one question, it just depends on the individual who is answering. The importance of this blog is stress the importance of NOT ALLOWING YOUR DISTRACTIONS TO DISTRACT YOU!! Sounds crazy, but when you think about it, it makes total sense!!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Faith's True Ability

I'm seven weeks away from completing my internship. This has definitely been a long, hard fought road, but worth every bump and bruise that I have received along the way. I have grown in so many ways. I have learned alot about myself, those around me, but most importantly I have gained incredible knowledge with regard to my mom and her current battle with mental illness. I have been able to educate my family, myself, my mother, and those around me. I have learned that life is about the choices we make. Not every choice will be the right one, but we still have the ability to choose how we let that choice effect us. Life is a constant battle, filled with  failed attempts and triumphs, but our level of resiliency is what keeps us going. Our innate ability to recover, pick ourselves back up, dust the dirt off and keep moving forward. We are much stronger than we dare to believe, but we must remember GOD IS NEVER GOING TO GIVE US MORE THAN WE CAN BARE!!! We have to stand strong in that belief and know that within our heart. We have to live that belief, breath it as if our life depended on it because in actuallity it does! Our life truly depends on the level of our faith. It is our faith in that there is better, and that everyday is a new day to make a difference. It is our faith in the GREATER GOOD that impels us to be good people regardless of the ASSHOLES we may face on a daily basis. Well let me stop rambling because I could definitely go on and on!! Peace and Blessings ALL!!!