Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The Art Of Letting Go

Who would have ever thought that there is an Art To Letting Go? For many letting go is viewed as a painful and or difficult event. Unfortunately, many don't realize that holding on to things and people past their purpose can block you from the other many Blessings God has for you. Just like your closet, you have to get rid of the clothes that are too small, or too big, or you simply have no use for anymore, in order to make room for the new items you have. Well life is the same way. Often times you will have to make room for new people, new adventures, and new responsibilities. It will become utterly impossible to move through life carrying the things that you should have let go of a long time ago. As my girl BADU so eloquently put it...... "Bag lady you gone hurt yo back.. Dragging all those bags like that.. You see no one ever told you all you should hold on to......" Oh this applies to the gentlemen as well..   ;O)

Trust me when I say this is a hard lesson we all have to learn and will continue to battle with until we come to the understanding that Letting Go is an undeniable part of Life. But, remember when God closes one door, He has already opened another. So don't become stuck and loose sight of what the Greater Goal is. Letting Go and Moving Forward is an inevitable process that will take place at some point and time in our life whether we are prepared for it or not. It is you who must truly be comfortable with the decision of doing so, especially if you are the one doing it. (I hope that makes sense).

The reason why Letting Go is viewed as an Art is because once you do so, the Joy that takes over and the weight that is released can be life changing. Don't be afraid to Let Go and Let God. Step out on Faith and see what happens. You just may be surprised. Make decisions from the truest intent of your heart and everything will work itself out for your best benefit.

Letting Go is something that must be done with Grace, Class, and Style. That in itself is an ART.

Peace and Blessings.......

Friday, April 10, 2015

It's All About The Journey

Life is not always about where you go, but what you went through to get there. Life is definitely a journey that has many lessons along the way. It is about what you learn from those lessons and how you choose to proceed from that point forward that is important. What we must not do along the way is become STUCK!! We have to continue to push forward and make moves towards our goal. Now I am not saying that you cannot get distracted because that will sure enough happen. We just cannot become stagnant.

Life throws things our way often. Those things can be a career, a child, a relationship, or a plethora of other things, but we must learn to maneuver and balance whatever comes our way. We must learn to prioritize what is important. We must know the difference between our wants and our needs, ours dreams and our fears. And YES I said FEARS.. You cannot run from what is inside you, but what you do is acknowledge it and learn to move past it. Learn how to ACCEPT who are, but understand the difference between WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU ARE MEANT TO BE. Because whether you know it or not those are two completely different people.

Paying attention to the journey, trusting the process, and being open to alternative ways of being and seeing will help you to gain the SELF-AWARENESS needed to ultimately fulfill your inner most desires and be who you are meant to be. Trusting the process means trusting that everything will work out for the greater good of your success and well-being. Just remember that FAITH WITHOUT WORK IS DEAD. So there is definitely going to be some WORK involved during the journey.

Prepare to receive the things that you have asked for. The reason why we often don't get what we pray for is because we are not honest with ourselves on what it is that we need. Not financially, not materialistically, but the things we need to sustain and nurture our souls. When we align ourselves with the universe and what it has for us, we prepare ourselves for an abundance of blessings. You cannot ask for something and then not work towards achieving that very thing you have asked for.

Please remember that GOD works on HIS own time. So you might as well spend the time preparing your table for HARVEST, if that is the seed that you have chosen to plant.  Just remember when you are planting and preparing for your Harvest you must BE PATIENT and BE STILL. LISTEN and WAIT for what GOD has in store for you. But most importantly..... BE BLESSED

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Resistance is a natural part of being a human being. We resist the things we are uncertain of. We resist the things we fear. Basically, we resist the things we can't control. We find it hard to LET GO!! We believe that by letting go we show weakness, when in reality it is the total opposite. The ability to LET GO or walk away shows strength. Now don't get me wrong. I am NOT  saying that walking away is the answer to solving things. In fact what I am saying is that we must be aware of the people and situations we must walk away from or LET GO of.

LETTING GO creates balance and sense of inner peace. But, in order to LET GO you must release all resistance. You can't LET GO of something you continue to hold on to. However, there is another key factor in LETTING GO and that is TRUST. Lack of trust brings resistance as well. It is important that you trust yourself, trust your own instinct. If you make a mistake that is ok, but at least the mistake was yours to make.

Although, trust and resistance are just a few key variables to LETTING GO, none of these things can happen if you don't have the RIGHT STATE OF MIND!!! If you are not open to the infinite possibilities of what the universe has to offer, then you are only limiting yourself to a mediocre life. Although we have created a plan for our lives and the lives of those around us. GOD has a much BIGGER PLAN set in place. Step back and let what is truly meant to be unfold. Learn to be an observer. Understand that being an observer doesn't mean taking the backseat, it just means sitting back and seeing the LARGER plan at work. View it all through the eyes of compassion, patience, and appreciation. Know that ALL WILL BE WELL BECAUSE ALL IS WELL.