Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Power Of Fear

Fear can be a powerful thing especially if it is what you focus on the most. It can take everything from you or it can empower and move you into Greatness. Ultimately the choice is yours. I can honestly say that Fear has definitely been a battle for me for quite some time. FEAR of the unknown, Fear of Fear (if that makes sense), and most importantly Fear of failure. I am no stranger to Fear. It has stopped me from making certain decisions, while on the flip side it has pushed me towards success. I haven't quite figured out how to NOT BE AFRAID, but I will say that it is something I work towards everyday. It has not been easy, but like the saying goes... Anything worth having isn't easy. I have always been a worry wart and I'm sure many of you can relate. But one thing I do know for sure is that Living In Fear is not living at all. It is actually quite scary. I constantly remind myself that fear isn't a good place to be and I pray that it is something that I can overcome.
So I say that to say this. DON'T LET FEAR WIN!!! Be BIGGER than your FEAR. Know that God will make a way out of NO WAY. Turn your FEAR INTO FAITH and believe that anything in this life is possible. Stand tall and remind yourself that tough times don't last but tough people do. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. Figure out exactly what it is you want out of life and GO GET IT. Failure is not always a bad thing if you are able to learn from it. Don't stay stuck in it, but move past it. Life is a journey with many ups and downs, but the journey is always more important because it is where character and strength  is built. Speak into existence the life that you want for yourself and those around you. You are the key to your success.

Until we meet again my friends... Peace and Blessings.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Power of Forgiveness

It's been said that forgiveness is not for the other person, but for you. There is definite power in learning to let things go. The weight that is lifted off of your soul is unexplainable. It's like the feeling you get when you make up in the morning and take a deep breathe as you are thankful for another day. Holding on to Ill feelings and emotions is not good for you. It can actually make you very sick.  It's important to remember that forgiveness is the most important step you must take in order to heal. My daughter and I had a conversation the other day and she asked me what was the difference between forgiving and forgetting and how do you accomplish that? I told her forgiveness is never for the other person. I also explained that you can forgive someone, but don't forget the lesson that was learned from the experience. We are all human beings and are bound to make mistakes and that is ok, but to be able to forgive someone wholeheartedly is a wonderful thing. It is not easy, but it is the first step in the healing process, so that you can move forward with your life and not be bound by the emotions and feelings attached to the situation.  GOD is a forgiving and merciful God, so if He can forgive you for your faults and imperfections, how can you not forgive the next person. In life we will make mistakes, but you have to be willing to forgive and move forward, and learn and be better. It's a process that starts from within.

Until we meet again... Peace and Blessings.  

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Picking Your Battles

In life you will learn that not everything is worth the fight. It took me quite some time to learn that I had to pick my battles. I was told that by an elder in my mid-twenties and I thought I understood what that meant when it was initially told to me, but over the years I learned that I had no idea what was really being said. I am a very literal person, so it didn't quite resonate with me at the time. But, boy oh boy do I understand it now. I had to go through quite a few battles to finally get it right myself, and boy were there some pointless battles along the way. A lot of time and energy was wasted on things that ultimately held no REAL value or meaning to what was and is really important in this thing called life.

Over time the value of communication has been at the forefront of most things that I do because without it most relationships fail to exist in a place of HARMONY.  It becomes a place of misperceptions, misinterpretations, and miscommunication. A complete clusterfuck... (Excuse my language) but, its just a damn mess. And although chaos seems to be a definite factor in this equation, peace is something that can still be found and restored.

Often times it is difficult to see and understand the circumstance you are in while being in the midst of it. Oddly enough this is the most empowering place that you can find your center and restore your peace. It is where solace and harmony exist. Where your vision and perception of what is manifests into something far greater than what simply lays in front of you. It is where strength resides. Where awareness of self is found. It is a place where we don't necessarily want to be, but a place in which we need to be. And that is the part that many battle with, understanding the true difference between our wants and our needs. Because sadly enough what we not is not always what we need. But the ego is often times the driving force behind many of our decisions. It is the impulsive prideful side of us that thinks about the self and whether or not the decision we are about to make is going to satisfy the self. It is VERY POWERFUL... the EGO that is and it is important that we remain rational and think past the self.

Picking your battles is not always about being right, or being fair, or trying to explain your position. It's about having the ability to know that ultimately in the end, none of that truly matters. If it is not creating a resolution to the REAL matter at hand then it just isn't as important as the EGO wants you to believe. Sometimes you just have to bow out gracefully and prepare to fight another day.

Well all until we meet again..... Peace and Blessings

Transitioning to the World of the Unknown

Making moves and changing environments can be a very unsettling thing for many. It can definitely take some getting used to and unfortunately things don't always go as planned. That can be very disheartening and place you in a space of uncertainty. However, that is definitely a place in which you don't want to be. Its a place where doubt and fear reside and it is not a place of empowerment. It is an atmosphere where weakness begins to take over and consume the very essence of who you are and potentially who you are destined to be.

Transitioning is never easy and that is quite okay. It pushes you outside of your comfort zone and forces you to do something you have never done. It forces you to GET IN THE GAME and stop being a SPECTATOR. The unknown isn't bad, it's just that... the unknown. Crazy part is that most fear the unknown because it makes them uncomfortable. And human beings are definitely creatures of habit. That is something that must be changed. You have to be willing to push yourself past your normal threshold and BE GREATER, BE BIGGER, BE BETTER. You will most definitely lose some friends along the way and not everyone is meant for your journey and will not see your vision. As long as you stay focused on what the ultimate goal is, making the transition won't seem so hard after all.

I've made some recent transitions lately that have totally changed the world in which I once lived in and it is quite different for me. Some things I was prepared for and some things I indeed was not. I have prayed, cried, laughed, and rejoiced knowing that all will work out the way that it was intended. In the end it is ultimately up to me. I just have to remember what brought me here and what my end goal is. It is important for me to stay focused and remain Empowered about my decision to step outside of what I once knew and leave it all for the Unknown.

Well all until we meet again.... Peace and Blessings