Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Monday, January 8, 2018

When Life Gives You Lemons...

There is an old saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade." This very statement is all about perspective when you think about it. Life as we know has plenty of ups and downs, highs and lows, and of course our fair share of "LEMONS". However, how we perceive these very situations is the determining factor with regard to how the situation will ultimately affect us. 

As you think about what I said in the previous paragraph, sit back for a second and ask your self this question... When stressful situations arise, what is your initial reaction and/or response? It is time for you to become aware of how the very things happening in your life affect you. This is an important aspect of self-awareness. This knowledge of self will also help you with self-regulation and being able to respond in a manner that is parallel with ALL THINGS positive. Why add more stress and drama to a situation based around how we respond, when we can stop for a second, take a deep breath, and see the situation for what it truly is and NOT what we think and or feel it should be (DON'T ADD ANYTHING TO IT and DON'T TAKE ANYTHING AWAY FROM IT). Accept it for what it is RIGHT HERE and RIGHT NOW. Take stock of how you feel and once you have acknowledged and received that feeling let it ride in and out like a wave. Don't hold on to it. Make room for the SOLUTION. Clear a space so that you can focus on what is next and let go of the how and why.

Life can Be pretty simple when you look at. It is us Humans that make it complicated. When you become secure in who you are, life takes on a whole NEW LIFE. Things begin to look different, colors are much more vibrant, the enchanting smell of  the flowers outside delight your very Being. You Become connected to the very things that truly make life wondrous. You no longer See Life with a hazy and cynical view. You NOW embrace life and everything it has to offer, GOOD and BAD because at the end of the day, you know and you stand in the knowing that you have everything within you to accomplish what you need to. Don't allow fear of the unknown, lack, opinions and feelings of others to STOP YOU from what is Divinely yours. BE THE LIGHT THAT YOU SO DESPERATELY SEEK and watch how LIFE begins to unfold. NOW, let's have that glass of refreshing Lemonade!! :0)

Love and Light Namaste' "I See The Divine In You"

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Beautiful Mind Life Coaching


Please go and check out my NEWEST blog at


Check out what I have going on over there. Website still under construction!! Will BE Coming Soon!!

Love and Light All!!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Embarking On A New Journey

As the year comes a close and the new year quickly approaches, many of us begin to create these long lists of plans and activities of what we want to do and how we want to do it. It seems as if there is so much that we want to do, yet so little time to get it done. And we think that by creating this list, it will magically make things all better. However, I have a question for you. When you look on that list, how many of those plans and/or activities actually have something to do with you? I don't mean the things that you want to do with regard to your career or your relationships. I mean those little things that are really for you. So often, we spend all of our time chasing dreams that we forget about the things that keep us alive inside. The things that heal and restore us back to who we truly are and need to be.

Life is funny when you truly think about it. Life is also very simple and if we could learn to acknowledge and nurture those little things, life for each of us would be so much richer, so much brighter, so full of love and light. I know as I say that, many of you will read this and wonder what simplicity is it that I am speaking of. You are probably saying and/or asking how can I say life is simple with so much complexity taking place all around us. This is where I say, that the simplicity is Gratitude. Yes, I said it... Gratitude. Being able to see the Beauty in even the most horrible of situations. Being Grateful for the very thing that we take for granted daily like opening our eyes, breathing without thought, having a sound mind. There are a list of things that I could point out, however each and every one of us have something to Be Grateful for. Acknowledge those things. Stand in that Gratitude! Show Your Gratitude! Be Grateful that You Are Grateful and have things to Be Grateful for.

As we Embark on a New Year, it is also time to embark on some New Plans, New Ways of Thinking, New Visions and A New Way of Life. Don't Be afraid to Do something different, to Be Different and in Being Different, I don't mean Be something and/or someone you Are Not; I mean Be ALL that you Are intended to Be. Be ALL that you were created to BE. Remember that YOU HAVE A PURPOSE and HE HAS A PLAN. .

Love and Light
"I See The Divine In You."