Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Sunday, November 15, 2015

New Journey

So I am embarking on a NEW JOURNEY in life and I have recently settled myself in another state. For those that truly know me, you know that I have spoken about leaving Cali for many years. The time had finally come. Or I can say that I finally took a chance and stepped out on faith. The timing was now right to make some different LIFE CHOICES. The circumstances of my life that were occurring had now changed. I stepped back and took inventory of my life and where I was at and where I wanted to go. My daughter was off in college and doing well, my grandfather was no longer here so the shared responsibility of caring for him was no longer needed, my mom was doing much better and living life well on her own, and my lil' sister was doing very good. The time had finally come for me to focus on me. Besides, my soul had been yearning for something different for sooo long. It was definitely time for change. I've heard people tell me that I am a very strong individual for taking action and creating something more, something better for myself. It's crazy because it's difficult at times to understand why they see me as such a strong individual. I think it is more about being FEARLESS and stepping out on FAITH. Ultimately, the only one stopping me from having the things I want in life is me. And while taking inventory, I had to take a hard and honest look at the role I was playing and NOT playing in the quality and happiness of my life. It was time to TAKE ACTION and make things happen. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT so that I could get DIFFERENT RESULTS. I left everything I once knew for something NEW. It was scary and empowering all at the same time.

But, I can honestly say that it was a GREAT DECISION. I'm experiencing something new, learning more and more about myself and the people and world around me. It's definitely a learning experience and has its good days and not so good days,  but ultimately I am STANDING IN MY CHOICE. I know that GOD has my back and my front. HE knows my heart and that is well within my soul.

Well until we meet again my friends..... PEACE AND BLESSINGS....

Monday, November 2, 2015

New Beginnings

In life we all have the chance to make choices. Real, true, and free choices that aren't based on circumstances. Just choices. Just because. Choices and changes seem to go hand in hand with this process. And what a scary and unsettling process it can be. But, the only way to have any POWER in the choices that you make is to STAND IN THEM. Stand in the possibilities of what that choice can mean for you.
I too have recently made some choices and they have been life changing. And in every moment that I feel unsettled or afraid I remember why I made the choice and what it truly means to me and I STAND IN THAT. The POWER that I feel is amazing. I then get down on my knees and I ASK GOD TO JUST GUIDE ME AND SPEAK TO ME AND ALLOW ME TO RECEIVE HIS WORD.
Making choices is not always easy and that is just a part of the process we called life. We just have to learn to not get anxious and allow the process to take place. But most importantly we must ALLOW GOD TO DO HIS WORK AND NOT GET IN THE WAY. We often times have an amazing way of getting in the way of receiving our own blessings. That is something that we must change and in order to do that we must be more present to where we are emotionally and mentally in that very moment. We are soo focused on so many other things that we miss what is happening in the present moment.