Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Taking The Time To Live Your Best Life

How often do you really take time out for yourself to recharge and replenish? How often do you stop and just smell the roses? Show gratitude for the small things and not just be focused on the things that are going wrong or just not right? If, you really think about it, I am sure you will realize that you rarely take good care of yourself on ALL LEVELS. Life can and will definitely keep you busy and as you chase the dreams of those around you whether it be for your children, your spouse, and even your boss, you continuously place yourself on the back burner. Well my friends, its time to change that way of life. You are NO GOOD to those around you if you are not first GOOD TO YOURSELF! If you are always giving to others, inspiring them, recharging them, giving your energy, then what will you have left for yourself when you need it? Are you surrounding yourself with people who can and will provide you with the same energy, the same nourishment and inspiration? If not, then you need to really take stock of who you are investing your time and energy into. It is vital to your own well-being.

Please don't misunderstand what I am saying. It is our purpose and responsibility to help those around us. However, it is extremely important that we create and set boundaries that enable us to attain balance and not give so much of ourselves that in the end we are depleted and must recharge ourselves. Please remember that you too need some of the very same things that you are so willingly and selflessly providing to others.

One of the first steps to understand exactly what I am speaking of is understanding that you are WORTHY and DESERVING! That is the FIRST thing and really the MOST IMPORTANT! Because if you don't believe that then you will always be content with giving yourself to the point of depletion while not placing yourself in a position to receive the very things you need as well. Life can be a tricky web that we weave for ourselves not realizing and taking accountability for the truth that we have placed ourselves in the very positions that we yearn to get out of. And we have done that with our BELIEF SYSTEM within ourselves. It is what we believe within ourselves. the fear, the doubt, and the self-talks that we have that often talk us right out of our very blessings.

It is time to make some changes and those changes start with the way that You See Yourself! Once you see yourself through the lenses of a much brighter, deserving, and worthy perspective, everything you do will change, how you move, how you think, how you love, and how you exist. The light within you will begin to illuminate the way you were intended. Life begins to look different, smell different, and taste different. You owe it to yourself and those around you to Be The Best Version of you possible. Live Your Best Life Now! No time life the Present!

Love and Light!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

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