Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Often times we confuse what we do with who we are. We fail to realize that our "DO" and our "WHO" are two different things. Unfortunately, history has proven time and time again, that so many are judged by what they do. Many people are valued by how they contribute. For example, a person can be of good moral fortitude, honest and faithful, but if the individual is not successful or is not "doing" something worthy of praise in the eyes of others, then he or she is not valued. Another example would be the individuals who may not have made the best decisions at one point and time in their life and because of those choices others have judged them on their actions and not who they are. To further the example, a man is caught stealing, now although the premise for this decision is because his family is hungry and he had no other means of providing at that time. Society will look at this individual and label him a thief and or a criminal. While others may see him as a caring parent trying to take care of his family by any means necessary.

Other examples may be the extremely successful business man/woman, who to the naked eye appears successful, happy and together. Defined by a great career, often times a career that is not being lived from the true self. A career that is merely something he/she is great at, "just business" and has absolutely nothing to do with the individual outside the realm or scope of that business. Other times, an individual can become enthralled in their career that they lose sight of who they are.

Which leads me back to my initial point. Who you are can be much more valuable that what you do. It's important that we don't confuse the two. Now, don't get me wrong. That is not to say that what you do is not invaluable and or not important because it is. But, in the midst of you doing what you do, don't lose sight of who you are. When you acknowledge and live from your true self, then you Innerstand how to separate the two. It is a process, but a process well worth the journey.

Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

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