Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Feelings are defined as an emotional state or reaction. Feelings are also defined as a "belief". Belief is defined as a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing. Now let's break this down further. As individuals, we usually attach feelings or get emotional or reactive to the people, things, and or ideas that we trust, that we "believe" mean something or hold some sort of value. However, often times being in our feelings and becoming reactive or making decisions based on those feelings and or beliefs can be detrimental.

Feelings are not a bad thing, but getting stuck in them can be. In order to move pass your circumstance, whether you have been hurt, wronged, dealt an injustice, or whatever, it is important that you acknowledge how that circumstance and person/people involved have made you feel, so that you can work on moving forward. Denial of any kind is a definite way of causing oneself to stay stuck in the grasp of something or someone mentally and emotionally.

There is a muddy area when dealing with feelings. An area that can get pretty dirty and leave you feeling tired, filthy, and just uuggghhh. It is extremely important that you are aware of your feelings so that you can always stay balanced and centered. If you don't seek to attain this level of self-awareness, you will become more and more reactive as time and circumstances progress, causing one to make poor and often irrational decisions.

There are various steps one can take to better manage and deal with feelings. First, take a deep breath and relax your mind and spirit. Second, think about who or what has caused you to have the feelings you have. Once you have found the source of your feelings, acknowledge them. Acknowledge what exact feelings you are experiencing, acknowledge why you are feeling them (who or what brought about the feelings) and then sit still for a minute as you process it all. Third, you need to ask yourself, are these "feelings" that you are finding yourself stuck in going to change the reality of the situation? Are these feelings going to allow you to move forward freely and successfully? Once you are able to remove your feelings from the situation you are currently in, you will be able to see and move with more clarity. You will be less reactive when dealing with the person and or situation, therefore creating less chaos and unneeded stress.

It is time that we all start to live and work smarter and not harder. For every action there is a reaction and for every cause there is an effect. It is important that we Innerstand that because when we do we will begin to make better decisions that will lead to a smoother life. There will be bumps along the way, but we can definitely minimize the impact of those bumps by making smarter decisions.

Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You."

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