Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Bit of Chaos

Hey people it's been a while since I last posted. There has definitely been alot going on over the past few months. I am at the end of my program and preparing to start my practicuum. I am so excited. Time has flown by extremely fast. Life has seemed to be moving much faster. The health and well-being of my mom has taken a swift turn and changed the lives of family members. I love my mom with everything in my heart and soul, but the last few months have been the toughest that I have had to endure. Things had been going well since her return home this past June, but things swiftly took a turn for the chaotic over the course of a few weeks. My mom had in fact come out of her battle with the depression for the past five years. She was on the right track to getting better, or so we all thought. My mom had gone from depression to mania, and soon after I watched my mom's world quickly fall apart. I also watched her behavior and actions change the lives of those closest to her as well. It is amazing at how mental health can change and take over a persons' entire life. It seems as if everything that I was working hard to avoid happened anyway. I never imagined that this would be happening to my family.
Surprisingly, with all of the knowledge that I have acquired I still feel as if I am unable to help my mom. My heart goes out to her everyday. To see my mom transition from where she once was to where she is now is very heartbreaking. I have so many unanswered questions, but I know that whatever GOD wants me to know HE will reveal to me when the time is right.

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