Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Knowing When To Let Go

Knowing when to let go is so hard for many of us. We tend to hold on to things that no longer serve the greater good in us. We hold on to anger, resentment, regret, and so many other things that can hinder us from being our True Authentic Self. We fail to realize the damage this does to us emotionally, mentally, and even physically. Most times we cause our own suffering because we can not seem to let go.

There are so many reasons why we do not and/or cannot let go. Those reasons can be pride, ego, guilt, and so many other things. Each reason is based upon the individual and how he or she may feel towards a certain person and/or situation. Often times we cannot let go because of the emotional attachments that we hold towards a person, thing, or situation. I believe that this inability to let go is often caused by denial. What I mean by denial is our failure to accept a person and/or situation for what it is or isn't. Denial is often times our greatest enemy because it keeps us from accepting people and/or situations for what they really are. Denial keeps us from a place of acceptance. Accepting what is and what isn't and being able to move forward from that point.

Acceptance for some may be described as weakness. However, perception is everything and how you choose to view things will ultimately determine how you move and or think. Because you accept something, whether you like it or not does not make you weak. It places you in a state of awareness that now enables you to make a decision from your true authentic self. It is like the serenity prayer that you often hear people speak. "God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference."

In life our biggest struggles are with the very things that we cannot change and we waste so much time on those things, that when we finally realize what it is we can change, we are too tired to make the needed changes. This is a cycle that we all must stop because we all have been here at this point. The lesson itself is not in the decision necessarily, but in fact it is in the mistake. Because from that mistake we learn more about ourselves. It is in that moment of self-awareness that we grow and begin to the make the best decisions from our True Authentic Self.

As the saying goes, "Let Go and Let God." We have to learn what battles are meant for us to fight and what battles are meant for us to Let Go and allow a power that which is Greater than ourselves to take the battlefield.

Love and Light!!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

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