Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Thursday, May 16, 2019

How Do You Exist In Love?

LOVE..... The one thing most of us yearn for, yet it is the very thing many of us run from. Funny how that works. We all want to be loved. We talk about it.. We dream about it... We even fight for it... and ironically enough, when we get it.. We have absolutely no clue what to do with it. We rarely know how to receive it. We struggle with knowing how to give it. We often fall short of nurturing it. And we have an even harder time recognizing it.

LOVE... The very thing we search outside of ourselves for. The very thing that actually exists within us. Settling and resting within our true core. We spend so much time searching for something from someone or something else, when in fact we are our first true source of love. How we love ourselves defines how we view love, how we receive love, and how we give love. Let that sink in for a second. How do you feel when you think about that statement? How do you love on you? How deserving do you truly believe you are of love? Do you even know how to receive love and are you willing to give the very love that you desire? These are all important questions that we must take the time to ask ourselves and to truthfully answer.

We have to be aware of how we ourselves view love, how we define love, and if we believe that we are truly worthy enough of receiving love. We have to speak our love language and in order to do so, we must know what our love language is. We must know how we want to be loved and we must be able to express that to the individuals we want to be loved by that want to love us. We must take judgment out of love and replace it with patience and understanding. We must nurture love because love can take time and within that time love grows and how it grows is determined upon how we nurture it and care for it. Love is not a weapon that we use to get what we want and/or desire. Love is not a bargaining chip to be given away for the gain of something superficial. Love is genuine and pure. Love has no bounds and no limits. Love heals all things and Love is Why and How we Exist.

Now sit back and Feel The Love, Receive The Love, and Give The Love! What we give out we will receive back tenfold. Please know and understand that. Live and Exist in Love and you will attract all that which you heart desires!!

Love and Light!!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

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