Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What Are You Waiting For?

Life is a funny thing. Sooo full of UPS and DOWNS, TWISTS and TURNS, and a plethora of other things. We try to balance everything like we are a part of some traveling circus act and we fail to realize that we are just human. We were born to make mistakes, we were born to grow and learn and often times that growth and wisdom will come from the experiences of life. What we must also understand is that we aren't meant to live this life alone. We are connected and bridged to people to help us maneuver through life. The part that we have to figure out is if those that cross our path are meant to stay and for exactly how long. 
What I found to be true about human beings is that we are creature of habits and not all of those habits are always good. And most importantly we hold on to habits for comfort and security. As a way to feel safe, balanced, and under control. Or SO WE THINK. That can sometimes be so far from the truth.

We can't continue to look for comfort and security outside of our very selves. We have to be able to rely on ourselves first and foremost and then move accordingly. Although, life will sometimes place you in positions where we may have to be dependent, it can also place us in a position of strength and empowerment. Where we can shed all the insecurities and bad habits that have been a way of life for so long and BE FREE. We can lighten our Spirits and the burdens of life as well. We have to learn what people and things we need to let go of in order to be at peace with ourselves. We have to learn what things we can and cannot or should I say should or should not give our energy to or at least when to give our energy and how much. We have to place ourselves in a better position to receive the true blessings that await us. I can definitely say that those blessings that I speak of exist outside of our comfort zones. We have to be willing to stretch ourselves in a way that we have never been stretched. We have to be willing to exceed the limits that we have subconsciously set for ourselves. Fear, Doubt and, Insecurity can no longer exist and just in case it does decide to rear its ugly head at some point, we can freely and confidently dismiss is as just another thought that will leave as quick as it came.

Our best life is just waiting for us to say "Hey! I'm Ready! Let's Do This!" So, I humbly ask you, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? 

Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Raising Your Vibrations

When you wake up in the am, what is the first thing that you do after you open your eyes? Do you say Thank You for the Grace of waking up another day? Do you start the am out stressing, worrying about all of the things that you need to do and all of the things that you haven't done? What state of mind are you in before you start your day? These are all very important questions that you really need to ask yourself. It is time to take inventory of your life and how you exist. 

It is easy to get carried away before you even have a chance to really take stock of how you exist mentally and how that very existence can dictate how your day and or life can and will go. It is important to understand the power of the mind and the subconscious. What you think you become, so it is important that you remain in a place of gratitude. Through the good and the bad, it is important to always be grateful because there is definitely a lesson in it all.

Life is definitely a state of mind and a place of action. True Abundance does not require Hard Work, Stress, or Real Effort. All it requires is a mindset that sets forth a HIGHER VIBRATION towards the Universe of what it is you truly desire. What I mean is this. You can Hope, use Wishful Thinking, and a variety of other things, however if your vibration levels are low, the Universe won't hear you. Like attracts Like. You can't manifest your destiny if subconsciously you still exist in a place of DOUBT, ANXIETY, and STRESS, which in turns lowers your vibration levels or creates high vibrations based on an energy that is the complete opposite of what it is you truly desire. You have a Destiny. We all have one and it's time that WE TUNE into it! 

Replace everything that you once knew with the Reality of what your are destined to have and who you are destined to Be! Truly attract the very things that you desire with the right mindset and vibration level. Speak not only to your Spirit, Speak To the Universe. However, please remember the Universe HAS ONLY ONE LANGUAGE and when you truly understand that you will BE MINDFUL of Your Words, Your Very Thoughts whether Conscious or Subconscious, and your Energy and/or Vibration Level! 


Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Time To Get In The Game

How much skin do you have in the game? The game that I speak of is called "Life". When I say skin, what I mean is this.. How much time do you really spend chasing your dream, making things happen, doing the work? How much are you investing in you? How much time, how much effort, how much trust and determination to you have for, with, and about yourself? Is your walk as good as your talk? Have you made good on the promises you continue to make to yourself time and time again? I'm sure if you really looked deep within and answered that question, you would probably answer with a emphatic NO. Don't worry. You wouldn't be the first person to doubt yourself, cheat yourself, and lie to yourself. 

It's time to put away all of those insecurities and doubts that you have about yourself and step into your NEW existence, your Divine existence. The only thing stopping you from Being Great is you. I know that may be hard to understand, however this is where accountability and truth takes place. Being accountable for what you have and haven't done to Be the person you were meant to Be. And Being truthful within yourself in accepting those very things. You can't be accountable for what you do not believe is of your doing and or influence. 

Life is much simpler than we believe, yet we continue to make it hard by not believing in the Power we have and the Gifts that reside deep inside us. We allow all of the outside distractions of life take us out of the game. Well it's time to get back in the game and do more than just let life pass you by while you just sit it out on the sideline being a spectator.

If you look back over time and see how much time, effort, money, and a plethora of other things that you have given to everything else but yourself, you will see that you are definitely well worth the investment and it's time that you start investing. Don't Be Afraid to move closer to your dreams and Being the Best You Possible. You owe it to yourself! Now Let's Play Ball!!

Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Monday, October 15, 2018

Getting Balanced

BEING IN A STATE OF BALANCE IS THE BEST PLACE TO BE.  Getting to that place is the challenge and staying there is even more of a mystery. Balance takes place when we learn to LET GO. Let Go of the very things that continue to way us down. For many, those things are called, "BURDENS". And BOY OH BOY do some of us have many of them that we carry around like luggage. Never realizing how much it is putting a strain on our WHOLE WELL-BEING. We don't realize the damage that we are and have done to ourselves because we walk around in a state of blind awareness. Instead of accepting and acknowledging things for the way that they truly are, we live in this grey area of blind possibilities of how we want things to be. The other important factor that we overlook is the fact that we only try to gain balance in one area. An example of that would be the individual that only works out and doesn't work on the nutritional side. It's like wanting something, however you are not willing to do what it takes in it's entirety to attain what you want. And if you really look at that, it is completely working against the ULTIMATE GOAL, which is to BE WHOLE, TO BE BALANCED AS A WHOLE because if you haven't realized it by now, the Mind, the Body, and the Soul is all intertwined. They function at their highest and best levels when ALL THINGS are aligned and in-tune with each other. It is like a rhythmic melody played by the inner workings of the deepest part of your very Being. 

There is no "Quick Fix" when it comes to balance. The issue to not having balance is Being non-compliant. There's an old saying, "If you knew better, you'd do better!" and that is not really true. Deep down you know what is and isn't good for you, from the food you eat, to the cigarettes you smoke, or the amount of alcohol that you consume. However, in knowing all these things, often times the choice to continue to indulge in the very things that are no good for you is made. First thing you must do is have a moment of truth with yourself and see you for who you really are. The Good, The Bad, and DEFINITELY The Ugly. Only in that moment of honesty will you BE able to Face, Acknowledge, and Accept the very things that you need to change. There are a few reasons that this needs to take place. In order to Heal and Grow in Life and as an individual beautiful soul, you must go to the core of your very being and in that core is where your level of SELF-AWARENESS grows profoundly. This is where your soul awakens and that Light that has been dim for so long begins to have a much stronger flicker to it as it begins to dance to that melodic rhythmic tune being played by the deepest part of your very Being. 

True and Total Balance will only manifest when your awareness expands enough to show you who you really are. There is no True and Total Balance when you exist in the space of anyone else. Being awake in the very light of yourself is when you begin to shed those very things I spoke about in the beginning of the entry, "BURDENS". You must stop fighting with yourself and start accepting and loving yourself so that you can live and move in love and light. 

Namaste' - "I See The Divine 


Accountability is such an amazing word and if people understood the true Power of it, people would definitely take more accountability with the things that they do and don't do. Unfortunately, most people only want to claim accountability when things are good. The Power of and In Accountability is having the ability to show up whether things are Good or Bad, and whether the actions taken or not taken were Right or Wrong, or even Helped or Hurt. That's the tricky part with this wonderful word, yet there's so much Power. 

I know you are probably thinking where is this Power when things are going Bad or when hurt is involved, or wrongdoing. Well, it's pretty simple. When you can stand up and be accountable and acknowledge the part you played, even if you didn't DO ANYTHING because whether you believe it or not, DOING NOTHING can be just as detrimental. Being able to Humbly know and say that you are not perfect, that you made a mistake, is a beautiful thing because that is a space that you can learn and grow from. If you stand in a space of constant denial and finger pointing, never taking responsibility for your own actions and lack there of, then you in fact will never learn and grow. There is definitely NO POWER in that. In fact, you have just relinquished your Power. 

The True Power lays in knowing Your Good and Your Bad, Your Right and Your Wrong, and in that knowing you can now stand in the place of healing and growing. Most importantly, you can Become a Better You. At some point in life, you have to look in the mirror an Be Honest with Where You Are and with Who You Are!. For many Truth is a hard pill to swallow, yet the Truth is the one thing that can Set You Free. Free within your Spirit, Free from Regret, Free from Anger, Pain, and Resentment of what could've been, might've been, or should've been. Most importantly, Free To Be YOU! Whomever that may Be. However, if you don't stand in a place of Truth and Accountability you will never know who you Truly Are.

As the years, weeks, and days go by, you will begin to see clearly what matters and what doesn't. You will understand the true meaning of Love and Being Still. You will understand the True Value of Seizing The Day and moving toward  a Better You! You will know that in life people will not always be willing to face their own Demons and until that happens, most people won't heal and Be in a place to Receive Love and the True Abundance of what Thee Most High has for you. Stop selling yourself short because of Pride and Ego and the Need to Always Be Right. Be Humble and Move with the Intention of Love and what how life begins to unfold around you.

Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Saving A Little Something For Yourself

How many times have you given so much of yourself to others, that when it was time to give to yourself, you had nothing to give? You were drained and exhausted in more ways than one and when you stopped long enough to look around and see who could recharge and replenish you the way you have often done for others, you found that there was no one around. In that very moment, you find yourself thinking back on all of the choices that you have made and you begin to feel a tinge of regret and even a small bit of frustration and anger. This is when that MOMENT OF TRUTH comes and stares you dead in the face. The moment when it becomes time for you to take inventory of your own life, your own needs, and most importantly the support system that you have around you.
It's not always easy and taking a long hard look at yourself can BE very intimidating for many. It's the moment of truth when you can no longer point the finger at others and must now look at the very person who has caused the most stress, YOURSELF. However, it is also in this very same moment where you can make the most pivotal choice of your life. The choice is making the decision to SAVE A LITTLE BIT FOR YOURSELF. Don't give ALL of your time, love, energy attention, and so many other things away to others without making sure that you have saved enough for yourself. Look at it like this... If you had $100 and your partner asked you for some, I'm quite sure you wouldn't give them the entire one hundred dollars if that was all that you had. You would probably give them forty to fifty dollars and make sure you had enough to sustain your own needs. Well life is the same way. You have to preserve self if you want to survive, if you want to thrive. You have to have enough within yourself to keep pushing and fighting forward everyday.

Life can Be so simple, yet Fear and Doubt can kill so many dreams, goals and desires for so many people. Often times you can Be great at caring for others and assisting others with getting through life, yet have a hard time getting your own life together. It's as if you don't trust yourself when it comes to making decisions for yourself, however you trust yourself enough to help and guide others. That definitely has to change. You have to start believing that YOU ARE JUST AS WORTHY and DESERVING of all the things that you give so freely to those around you. You have to remember to Keep Yourself Full and to also allow yourself to BE FILLED. It is time to stop working against yourself. Place yourself in a position to receive the very things that you have asked for. You must also understand that sometimes YOU WILL have to BE the FIRST person to give those very things to yourself and then those around you will follow suit. Learn to LIVE AND LOVE in the very things that MAKE YOUR HEART SMILE. Most importantly, through all the ups and downs, the trials and tribulations, the good and the bad, always remember to..... SAVE A LITTLE FOR YOURSELF!!

Where Does Your Energy Go?

I've done quite a few different things in my life. I've worked various jobs, some that I loved and some that I absolutely didn't like. During that time I learned the value and importance of the saying, "Work smarter and Not harder" and this has become one of my Mantras in life and have made a difference in how wisely I exert my energy. 

Now the point of the above statement is simply this. We all have a choice in how we live our life and what we give our energy to. It is so imperative that we understand our worth and the value of what we individually have to give. Often times we give a lot of our energy to the wrong things. We spend a lot of time wasting valuable energy on invaluable situations and even invaluable people and habits, that in fact take away from the true GIFTS we have to give and to receive. 

At some point in life we have to make some serious choices about what is important in life and what is important to each and every one of us individually. Because whether you know it or not, those are two separate things. Knowing what is important to you is definitely a good level of self-awareness one must have, however what is important in life takes another level of self-awareness and years of life experiences. Because you know what they say, "Life experiences are the Best Teacher". 

It is time for each and every one of us to take stock in ourselves and in our lives and the choices that we are making. Whether those choices are good or bad, the question you should be asking yourself is, "How well are these choices I am making really working for me?" If you take a good look within, you will see that not only are the bad choices not really working for you, but neither are some of the good choices. A lot of the time we make certain choices based out of necessity and habit. Many of those habits are not good for us, however they are comfortable and for many "Being Comfortable" is a Great place to be. What many fail to realize is that Outside of your comfort zone is actually where the BEST YOU exists. Get comfortable with Being Uncomfortable. 

I look at it like this. If you are going to continue to waste your energy, why not waste it on something that is worth wasting it on.... YOURSELF! Become a Better You. Become the BEST YOU possible! 

Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Life Is What You Make It

Everyone has heard the saying, "Life Is What You Make Of It!" and although that sounds like easy work, it definitely isn't. Although, life is in fact what you make it, often times we allow life itself to make us and or define us. If you know me, then you have heard me say time and time again that YOU ARE NOT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES!! What I mean by that is this.... We will experience many things in this journey called life, however those very experiences don't have to define who we are. They can in fact help to shape us, however how they shape us is up to the individual. For example, someone who was born into poverty and lived in poverty during their childhood, doesn't have to remain in that same poverty. (If that makes sense) Look at it like this.... The athlete who lives in the impoverished society and strives to get out by playing sports to create a better opportunity for himself and his family. Or the individual who has dreams of going to college, while knowing that his parents can't afford it, so they work to either get an athletic scholarship and/or even academic scholarship to make that possible. These two examples are circumstances that have the power to change based on how the individual perceives the situation and then responds to it. You have the choice to allow your circumstance to define you or push you to want more, want different, or just want better. 
It's important that we all understand that we have choices and even when we decide to NOT CHOOSE, that in itself is a choice. Always remember where your true Power lies. It has always been within you. 

Namaste' - I See The Divine In You