BEING IN A STATE OF BALANCE IS THE BEST PLACE TO BE. Getting to that place is the challenge and staying there is even more of a mystery. Balance takes place when we learn to LET GO. Let Go of the very things that continue to way us down. For many, those things are called, "BURDENS". And BOY OH BOY do some of us have many of them that we carry around like luggage. Never realizing how much it is putting a strain on our WHOLE WELL-BEING. We don't realize the damage that we are and have done to ourselves because we walk around in a state of blind awareness. Instead of accepting and acknowledging things for the way that they truly are, we live in this grey area of blind possibilities of how we want things to be. The other important factor that we overlook is the fact that we only try to gain balance in one area. An example of that would be the individual that only works out and doesn't work on the nutritional side. It's like wanting something, however you are not willing to do what it takes in it's entirety to attain what you want. And if you really look at that, it is completely working against the ULTIMATE GOAL, which is to BE WHOLE, TO BE BALANCED AS A WHOLE because if you haven't realized it by now, the Mind, the Body, and the Soul is all intertwined. They function at their highest and best levels when ALL THINGS are aligned and in-tune with each other. It is like a rhythmic melody played by the inner workings of the deepest part of your very Being.
There is no "Quick Fix" when it comes to balance. The issue to not having balance is Being non-compliant. There's an old saying, "If you knew better, you'd do better!" and that is not really true. Deep down you know what is and isn't good for you, from the food you eat, to the cigarettes you smoke, or the amount of alcohol that you consume. However, in knowing all these things, often times the choice to continue to indulge in the very things that are no good for you is made. First thing you must do is have a moment of truth with yourself and see you for who you really are. The Good, The Bad, and DEFINITELY The Ugly. Only in that moment of honesty will you BE able to Face, Acknowledge, and Accept the very things that you need to change. There are a few reasons that this needs to take place. In order to Heal and Grow in Life and as an individual beautiful soul, you must go to the core of your very being and in that core is where your level of SELF-AWARENESS grows profoundly. This is where your soul awakens and that Light that has been dim for so long begins to have a much stronger flicker to it as it begins to dance to that melodic rhythmic tune being played by the deepest part of your very Being.
True and Total Balance will only manifest when your awareness expands enough to show you who you really are. There is no True and Total Balance when you exist in the space of anyone else. Being awake in the very light of yourself is when you begin to shed those very things I spoke about in the beginning of the entry, "BURDENS". You must stop fighting with yourself and start accepting and loving yourself so that you can live and move in love and light.
Namaste' - "I See The Divine
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