Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Raising Your Vibrations

When you wake up in the am, what is the first thing that you do after you open your eyes? Do you say Thank You for the Grace of waking up another day? Do you start the am out stressing, worrying about all of the things that you need to do and all of the things that you haven't done? What state of mind are you in before you start your day? These are all very important questions that you really need to ask yourself. It is time to take inventory of your life and how you exist. 

It is easy to get carried away before you even have a chance to really take stock of how you exist mentally and how that very existence can dictate how your day and or life can and will go. It is important to understand the power of the mind and the subconscious. What you think you become, so it is important that you remain in a place of gratitude. Through the good and the bad, it is important to always be grateful because there is definitely a lesson in it all.

Life is definitely a state of mind and a place of action. True Abundance does not require Hard Work, Stress, or Real Effort. All it requires is a mindset that sets forth a HIGHER VIBRATION towards the Universe of what it is you truly desire. What I mean is this. You can Hope, use Wishful Thinking, and a variety of other things, however if your vibration levels are low, the Universe won't hear you. Like attracts Like. You can't manifest your destiny if subconsciously you still exist in a place of DOUBT, ANXIETY, and STRESS, which in turns lowers your vibration levels or creates high vibrations based on an energy that is the complete opposite of what it is you truly desire. You have a Destiny. We all have one and it's time that WE TUNE into it! 

Replace everything that you once knew with the Reality of what your are destined to have and who you are destined to Be! Truly attract the very things that you desire with the right mindset and vibration level. Speak not only to your Spirit, Speak To the Universe. However, please remember the Universe HAS ONLY ONE LANGUAGE and when you truly understand that you will BE MINDFUL of Your Words, Your Very Thoughts whether Conscious or Subconscious, and your Energy and/or Vibration Level! 


Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

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