Would you change the way you thought about yourself and your life if you knew how truly powerful your conscious and subconscious mind was? Would you change the way you thought about yourself and your life if you knew for a fact that the very thoughts and words you speak manifest your reality? Well, I am here to tell you that you are the source of the seeds that get planted daily with regard to your own life. The very words that you speak out and the thoughts and feelings that you speak form and shape the reality you live in. "As a man thinketh, so shall He be!" You are the secret! Your mind and your thoughts are the key to your success and your life because what you believe about yourself will dictate how you move throughout this life.
If you know and understand your worth, then your mindset and the way you talk will reflect just that. However, we must also understand that in the same way that our positive thoughts and talk can manifest great things, the negative thoughts and talk can manifest the very things we don't want as well. This is why we must be mindful of the seeds that we plant on a daily basis. Yes, I said seeds. Your thoughts and words are the seeds that get planted everyday and you will in fact reap what you sew once harvest time comes around.
Be diligent in the journey to find your true self. Be strong in understanding and accepting that which is not meant for your well being. Have the courage to let go of what no longer serves your greater purpose and Begin to speak like into and over your life. You have the Power and You hold the key to your success. You are the author of your life, so make it a good one. Understand that the very words you speak can bring you abundance when you have the mindset to support it. Believe and know that you are worthy, valuable, and have a purpose. Grace is all around you and is yours by divine right. Start to wake up everyday and live in a place of gratitude and you will receive more things to be grateful for. Now is the time to live from your True Self!
Love and Light!!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"
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