Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Key To Happiness

Life has a funny way of teaches us lessons. Showing us who and what we need versus what we think we need. Life will throw what we often feel is the very worse at us, just to show us that we deserve the very best. Life reminds us of our worth and our value, not only to ourselves but to others as well. Life can show us love in thee most unbelievable ways and then turn around and give us thee most unbearable pain we have ever felt. Ironic how that works out. Life will place us in situations that give us character and humility that we never thought we had, however it can also reveal the lack of character and lack of humility in others as well. Life is funny like that. Giving us alternative sides of the same view. Being a reflection of what we fail to see. Failing to see that the very reflection we often run from is our own. Let those last few lines sink in for second...
Happiness...let's talk about that for a second. I see and hear so many opinions on what Happiness is and/or should be. I rarely hear about what Happiness isn't. Well, here are my thoughts about that. Happiness is not based on anyone or anything outside of yourself. That may sound hard to believe, however it is very true. True Happiness comes from within. It comes from the very love that we have and give to ourselves. However, often times we seek Happiness through so many outside factors and we end up spending our entire lifetime searching for something that is already within us. Because the cold hard truth is that we cannot expect someone or something to give us the very thing/s that we do not and are not willing to give ourselves. How can we receive love when we do not even love ourselves? How can we complete someone else or think that someone else is meant to complete us when what makes us incomplete has absolutely nothing to do with anyone other than ourselves?
It is time that we start to look within ourselves and find the Love and Happiness that we so desperately seek from others. Is it time to Stand Up and take back control of our existence and make things happen. No longer sitting around waiting for opportunities to fall within our laps and start creating opportunities. Start loving on ourselves in such a way that those around us have no choice but to love us in the same way because we will accept nothing less.
I say all of that to say this.... True Happiness comes from within. Yes, there are outside factors that can add happiness and fulfillment to our lives, however the foundation of our Happiness comes from us first. That way, if the things and people we believe are supposed to bring us Happiness fall short, we are still fulfilled from within. That is where the True Power is! Now it is time to Take Back Your Happiness and Your Power!! You Deserve It!!

Love and Light!!
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You"

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