In life we go through many ups and downs, trials and tribulations, and our fair share of good and bad. Sometimes it just seems to be nothing but dark clouds, dark days and definitely some dark nights. However, through it all, deep down within, we know that there is light at the end of it all. Even though we doubt the power of that light and our ability to draw closer to that light, we still see a glimpse of it.
It is easy to forget the strength we have inside when in the midst of it all and it is even easier to feel that there is no end to the darkness because darkness seems to be looming all around. It is in that moment that we must sit still and know that the light that we believe is unattainable is actually already within us. So often we spend life searching for the light, when in fact WE ARE THE VERY LIGHT THAT WE SEEK!
If you are an avid reader of my blog, then you know that I speak frequently about self-awareness and the power that it has. Well this is one of those situations where self-awareness is key because it is in that journey and realization of self-awareness that we realize and become the light that we have been so desperately trying to reach. Those moments of being unfulfilled no longer exist because everything that you were seeking outside of yourself, you soon find out is actually within you and no one can give you what you are meant to give to yourself.
Now is the time to PUSH THROUGH THE DARKNESS!! Now is the time to STOP SEEKING THE LIGHT and BE THE LIGHT! Stop searching for the tools you need to succeed to BE THE BEST YOU and KNOW that YOU ARE ALREADY EQUIPPED, you just need to BELIEVE!
Life isn't about the destination, it is about the journey and OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL JOURNEY IT IS!! Even with all the bumps and bruises we may get along the way, the fact that we showed up proves that we are ready. Don't ever underestimate your ability TO BE GREAT because GREATNESS IS IN ALL OF US! WE ALL HAVE A PURPOSE and the point of life is figuring out what that purpose is and living OUR FULLEST BEST LIFE EVER!!
Love and Light!!
"I See The Divine In You"
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