Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Sunday, November 26, 2017


When is enough enough? When do you just stop caring and just start living? When will you decide to step out on Faith and NOT on Fear? When will you finally Be tired of Being tired and actually do something about it? When will you truly put yourself and the needs of your soul first? 

How often have you really asked yourself these questions and in turn answered them honestly? And once you were done answering the question, actually went out and did something about it? That is what many of us are missing in life.... FOLLOW THROUGH!! We have great ideas, great goals, and even great plans. However, very few actually execute any of those things. It becomes just another daydream, just another good idea, just another thought. When will you require more from yourself, more out of life, and more from the decisions and actions that you choose to take. Don't waste life on shouldas, couldas, and wouldas. Stop making excuses for what didn't happen, or for what didn't go according to your plan. Life is truly about what you make of it and you get out of life exactly what you put into it. Don't be complacent with what you have. Strive for more and take the necessary actions needed to make even the smallest, truest intention of your heart and soul to come true. Understand that everything that you need to be successful is within you, however you must believe that you are worthy and deserving of the very things you wish for on a daily basis. 

Life isn't meant to spent hoping and wishing. It is meant to be experienced in the very moment that it is unfolding and so many of us are missing out on the HERE and NOW. We are robbing ourselves of the most intimate and simple joys of just being alive. We are too busy living in the past or for the future, that we are missing out on the true gifts that are BEING placed right in front of us in the HERE and NOW. We have NO MINDFULNESS of what is going on in our lives in the very moment that it is happening. How can this Be if we are living our lives daily. I can tell you exactly how this is happening. You are simply existing. You do nothing more than the mundane tasks that are required for the basic survival of life. It's time to take control of your life. Live and move with true intention. 

Love and Light 
"I See The Divine In You."

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