Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Being Still

Sitting still is probably one of the hardest things for me to do, but I am slowly learning the value of being still. Our greatest Blessings come to us when we are still and learn to allow God to do His will. I'm quite sure many of us if not all of us have our own plans and dreams as to what we want out of our own lives. Unfortunately, it doesnt quite work that way. There is "OUR PLAN" and then there is "HIS PLAN" and as we all know... HIS plan is much greater than ours, but it is not an easy plan to follow.  But, if we sit still long enough all will reveal itself and the plan won't be so hard after all. 
Sitting still is being able to find peace in the midst of chaos. It is being able to center and calm yourself while everything else is running rampid. It is having the ability to seek peace when your soul is screaming to make moves. Sitting still is being able to Do ABSOLUTELY nothing while having everything to do and trusting that it will still all be accomplished. 
Sitting still requires you to listen with more than just your ears. Its having the ability to listen with your heart. Slowing yourself down and getting in tune with your spirit and the universe. It is creating a space of peace and tranquility and learning to JUST BE. Life will have many distractions, so it is extremely important that we take the time to take a step away from things long enough to recharge and take inventory of what life has laid in front of us. It is a chance to gain perspective and prioritize or re-prioritize. It is a chance to breathe and just reflect on life and what is, what was and what will be. 
Sitting still gives you a chance to BE IN THE MOMENT. A chance to just sit and take note of what you are present to right then and there. Being still can also give you a chance to reflect and realize the things you have not been present to as well. 
Just remember BEING STILL is an important part of the GROWTH process. It is also a chance to gain clarity and a unique closeness with the MAN ABOVE. It is a moment in which we stretch beyond ourselves and tap into a deeper richer sense of self and being. LEARN to BE STILL and watch the BLESSINGS unfold.

Until we meet again my friends... PEACE and BLESSINGS.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Celebrating Failure

Hello Everyone!!! Now I know as you read the title you probably are thinking.... "Why the Hell would anyone want to celebrate failure?" But, if you think about it, it really all makes sense. In our moments of failure there is always a lesson to be learned. In addition, in that very moment that you succeed, that is the moment in which you are celebrating your failure. If you think about what I am saying then you will see that it is all simply about your perspective. The way you view things is important because how you respond to that very thing is based on your mindset. 
What often happens is that we allow the emotion within us regarding "that thing" to dictate our actions. And that my friend is a recipe for disaster. Making critical decisions based on your emotions does not allow one to see things with a clear head. And as we all have heard or have even told others, being in one's feelings is not a pleasant place to be. 
Failure in itself is very unsettling for many. The very thought of failure keeps people from chasing their dreams. The fear of failure places people in a prison built by self, limiting our ability to truly see our own power and strength to succeed and accomplish whatever it is we seek. Just the mention of the word failure places people in a place engulfed in doubt and insecurity. It is important that we NOT be afraid to fail because with failure comes success. Just think about it. When you fail at something you definitely learn what not to do next time, you learn what worked and what didn't work. You may even learn a NEW way to accomplish the task at hand. It is definitely a chance for you to gain a greater level of self-awareness and build character or in fact have your character revealed to you. Regardless of what comes from failure, in the end it is all about your PERSPECTIVE. 
Failure is either going to MAKE YOU or BREAK YOU. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. You have the power and you make the choice on how things will play out. If defeat is the stance you choose, then defeat is what you will feel. And from that point the choices you make will be guided by that feeling of defeat. However, if you can take that failed situation and all that you have learned and make an effort towards still accomplishing that goal, then the decisions you make from that point will still be guided by the goal of ultimately attaining success. PERSPECTIVE will change your life, it will change the way you think and most importantly the way you speak. Your language will either manifest your success or manifest your failure. You have the power and it is your choice.
In life you will learn the valuable lesson of picking your battles. Well in this scenario you can either fight for what you believe in and speak life into your life or you can allow defeat and failure to fight the good fight for you. But, I am pretty sure none of us want to live a life of mundane existence when we can live a life of happiness, power, strength, and SUCCESS. 
YOU DECIDE.........

Until we meet again my friends..... PEACE and BLESSINGS.