Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Beauty Of Pain

Pain is a part of life that most of us DO NOT like to endure. It is not so much the pain itself, but the process that comes along with enduring the pain. Contrary to popular belief pain IS NOT a bad thing. Pain can teach us many things, not just about the other individual, or the situation, but about ourselves as well. It teaches us about our level of strength, our resiliency, and most importantly we realize that the pain is never permanent. We cannot become stagnant in our feelings and the situation we are currently in. We must take it at face value for what it really is and focus on how to move forward and what you can take with you along the way. Recognize that you DO NOT want to take any baggage that is going to lead you back to this situation again. That is not to say that you may not face the same situation again, but if you do learn from the past and move differently the next time. Try not to repeat the same mistake twice. Be better the next time around. It's just like in school when you would come in and take the quiz, which was usually just a pre-cursor to the exam coming up at the end of the week. Same rules apply in life, make the necessary corrections from the first quiz and apply the correct answers when the exam comes around.
It is also important to learn about yourself while experiencing and enduring pain. Understand your triggers and weak points, recognize your strengths and build upon them, don't focus on your weaknesses, but don't disregard them either. Recognize where you are weak and figure out how to become stronger. It's not always about the mistake itself, but how resilient you are once the mistake has been made. We will make many mistakes in our lifetime, but we must keep moving and press forward to greater adventures. Life is about trial and tribulations, but don't mistake it, everything doesn't have to be done the hard way, and everything doesn't have to be a struggle either. Be true to yourself and what you want out of life and work continuously towards that. Remember to keep GOD first and everything else will fall into place. Always remember that PAIN BUILDS CHARACTER. Your story wouldn't be as great without a couple of horror scenes. Be Blessed me fellow BLOGGERS.

Monday, July 28, 2014

The Key To Great Relationships

The Key To Great Relationships Require The Following Things.......

Great relationships require you to prove your commitment and respect.
 It is important that you and your companion are on the same plane, it is vital that you prove to each other that you both are committed to the relationship and to each other, in addition to having a mutual level of respect for each other and for the relationship.
Great relationships require you to want the best for the other person. Often times in a relationship individuals will thrive at different times and on different levels. Each companion must support the other regardless of what level he or she is on. Success can tear a couple apart if the proper support is not in place. Jealousy and envy can set in even with your companion. Success as the same ability to negatively or positively effect a relationship just as much as failure can.
Great relationships require you to be actively engaged in something positive. It is not idealistic, realistic, and or healthy to sit around and do nothing, hoping and wishing for something great to happen. You must be active and moving, working toward making that wish and or dream come true. "The anointing hits moving targets and Faith without work is dead." It is important that each of you and active in achieving your personal and collective goals.
Great relationships require sacrifice. Every relationship will have struggle and strife. You can't mind getting dirty. You must both be ready to roll up your sleeves and get to the root of the problem. You have to be willing to sacrifice for something new and better than anything you have known before. If you want something new you have to be willing to do something different. The price you are willing to pay for something reveals its value to you.

These are just a few things required to works towards the making of a great relationship. Communication is also important as well. Keeping the lines of communication open at all times is key. With communication must also come respect. In some way shape or form they all intertwine with each other. It is vital to have balance within a relationship on an individual and collective level. Time is key. Take the time to get to know each other. Make sure that you are evenly yoked and prepared and capable of taking the journey together. Love is sacrifice, but love is beautiful, committed, honest, non-judgmental, kind, and most of all forgiving.
 Live in love and your relationship will be great!!
Peace and Blessings!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Fear Of Fighting!! The Journey Of A Survivor!

Some of the biggest battles we will ever fight in our lifetime will be the battles of others. We will find ourselves fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves, for those who cannot fight the battle alone, for our loved ones, and even for perfect strangers. The choice is ours.

Recently my aunt lost her right breast in the battle to fight Breast Cancer. She is soon to start radiation and as of today she is CANCER FREE. My aunt is an amazing WOMAN and has embraced this situation with acceptance, love, and faith. She has become stronger spiritually, emotionally, and physically while learning and experiencing the truest form of faith and GOD'S WILL.

It is ok to be weak and fragile. It is ok to feel fear and anger. But, what is not ok is to settle in those emotions. What we must do is recognize these feelings and understand that the focus is not on the emotions themselves, but how we can move past them. We must acknowledge the emotion and the truth within it and once we do that, we find acceptance. Once we find acceptance, we find PEACE and we experience FREEDOM.

If you recall in my previous entry, I spoke about FREEDOM and what it means to truly be FREE. Well FREEDOM also requires consistent and repeated acts of courage. Trust and believe it takes a courageous person to battle CANCER. It takes a courageous person to GIVE EVERYTHING TO GOD and allow HIM TO DO HIS WORK. But most importantly, it takes a courageous person to BE STILL AND KNOW THAT HE IS GOD.

Life is an endless journey of self-awareness and growth. We must be open to the possibilities  and realities of change because change is inevitable. It is the one thing WE FEAR and the one thing that keeps us IN BONDAGE.

Once my aunt accepted the truth and reality of her diagnosis with Breast Cancer, SHE NO LONGER LIVED IN FEAR. She embraced the journey and GAVE IT ALL TO GOD.

The message at the end of the day is this.........

Peace and Freedom.... A Soulful Journey

Life can take us in many different directions. Often times life appears loud and unruly, confusing and consuming, and even exhausting. But, we must somehow find a way to keep fighting and moving forward because life isn't going to stop just because we cant seem to keep up.

I've been away from my blog for quite some time because life was definitely kicking my ass, but I rode the hell out of it. I made the choice to accept the truth of everything that was going on around me, whether I liked it or not. There was a sense of freedom that was missing and I couldn't figure it out until now. I didn't understand what true FREEDOM was. Unfortunately, we live in a world where everything is fast and definitely in the palm of our hands (smart phones, Ipads, tablets, etc.) and because of this we  as individuals have become complacent. We believe that we will find happiness and fulfillment through social networks and superficial entities. We HIDE FROM OUR TRUTHS! We FEAR THE UNKNOWN and WE FIGHT AGAINST THE UNCONTROLLABLE, THE UNDENIABLE, AND INEVITABLE!

It is time to LET GO!!!

FREEDOM is the knowing and embracing of truth to the degree that you are able to cooperate with the flow of GOD within your being.


FREEDOM IS THE ABSENCE OF FEAR. Those who know their oneness with GOD have NO FEARS!!

We must free ourselves of all worry, doubt, and fear. We as individuals must become aware of our triggers (the things that may upset, uncomfortable, and even fearful). Once we gain better self-awareness, we make better decisions. We no longer continue to live a life of guilt, shame, and fear based on the decisions and choices that we have made. Once we individually recognize and accept the truth from within, the choices that we make from that point on will
influence and direct the fulfillment of our true inner beings.