GRATITUDE!!! How often we leave this word out of our everyday life. Often times, we lack the Gratitude needed to live an Abundant life. So often, we equate happiness with gratitude, however not in the context that we should. We live life as if happiness is the very thing that brings gratitude, when in fact it is the very opposite. Gratitude is the very thing that brings happiness. How can one exist in life and not show gratitude towards the very things that we take for granted? The very things like waking up daily, waking up daily with a sound mind and all faculties functioning properly. The smell of the ocean breeze, the sound of the birds that fly softly by the window singing songs of life, the bees that buzz ever so freely in the garden, searching for the nectar that lies with each beautiful flower planted with love into the soil. The very things that require nothing from us except admiration and gratitude for the simple beauties that make life so wondrous.
Life truly begins the moment we become Grateful. Grateful without receiving anything. Grateful without personal gain. Grateful because life can't exist any other way. Life is about Humility, Love and Law. Having an understanding of all three and then living out those very things through Gratitude is an unbelievable feeling. Being Grateful for the knowledge, Grateful for the opportunity to grow and gain love and abundance on levels beyond what you can ever imagine. However, all of these things can never be possible without Gratitude, without Humility.
That which is created is never greater than that which created it. If you truly know and understand that, then you understand that you exist because the Father has made that possible and it is through the sheer knowing of that, that you show your utmost Gratitude to that which has given you Life and Law.
Throughout this thing called Life, I have learned many a Lesson and I am still learning as each day passes. It is important that we open up a space to receive all Gifts from The Father, whether we feel we deserve those Gifts, or regardless of the fact that it may look entirely different that what we expected it to. Some things in this life are not for us to understand, however it is for us to receive Graciously in the knowing that the Father makes NO MISTAKES and Will give to us according to Our Works and most importantly HIS WORD.
As I sit here reflecting on the journeys I have taken in this life, I am filled with Gratitude because without the lessons that have come along with those journeys, I would not be able to stand here today and speak Life into those who choose to listen. It is because of my trials and tribulations that I can stand before you knowing that I am flawed, yet in that knowing I understand that it is those very flaws that have created a space of empathy, humility and patience. Those very flaws have opened up a space for me to understand that as much as I give, I must be able to receive and know that I am deserving of the very things that the Father has for me.
I must also understand that with this knowing comes a great level of responsibility. Not just a responsibility to myself, a responsibility to those around me. Hence, why I have kept this blog going for so long. You just never know who is listening and waiting for "The Light and Love" that you have to share. Like the old saying goes, "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear." Take the time to be the Student. Take the time to sit back for a minute and be open to the Truth that we do not know it all and that there is so much more that we have to learn and it all starts with BEING GRATEFUL!!
Namaste - "I see the divine in you."