Many people are so closed off in their consciousness and desire to seek and experience new things, that they miss out on truly experiencing the world and all of its glory and wonder. You must be open; open to a new way of thinking, a new way of perceiving life. You must be open to change; a change of scenery, a change within your circle of friends, hell a change in your life overall. You can't expect change while doing the exact same thing that you have always done.
Once you grow in awareness you will begin to feel a sense of freedom that you did not notice before. A freedom that has always existed, you just were not conscious enough to see it. Your vision was skewed and limited. Now your vision is limitless and sees no boundaries. The impossible is now possible. The world in which you live in is more vibrant, the breeze is more refreshing, the ocean air is much more crisp. You can now taste the very essence of life. The way in which you experience life is much richer. You are now able to see the world around you immersed in beauty and substance. Priceless images that the mind captures through mental notes on landscapes etched in memory.
What you must know, is that you were created complete, magnificent, unique, and whole. It is the stages of you that change. Those stages that I speak of are your levels of awareness. As you expand your awareness, you begin to see with the eyes of your soul and allow yourself to unmask the beauty, the truth, and everything that is real. And in that moment you are allowing yourself to truly experience the world around you.
Namaste' - "I See The Divine In You."