Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Sunday, January 29, 2017


It's amazing how much social acceptance matters to many if not most. The level of self-acceptance seems almost non-existent. Many seek attention through artificial and or superficial gains, that further separate the individual from their true self. It's time to realize and over-stand that YOU ARE ENOUGH!

You're very essence, your very being, your very existence is enough. You are equipped with everything you need to succeed and flourish. It all starts from within. It all starts with the over-standing that YOU ARE IT! Only you can do you and no one can do you better than you. The moment you over-stand that, is the moment that your life will do a complete 180. There is a shift that needs to take place from within. There is a level of acceptance and acknowledgment that needs to happen. There is a space that must be cleared out and filled with love. Not the love from someone else, but filled with the love of self. A love that is so fulfilling and so epic. A love that is Pure, Supreme, and Complete.

It is time to embrace, accept, love, embody, and be fulfilled with all that you are. It's time to know that YOU ARE ENOUGH!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


RIGHT NOW, in this very moment what are you thinking about? Are you present to "THE NOW". I mean like right now in this very moment. Probably NOT! Why is that? Why are most people not connected to life in the very moment they are living it? Most times people are too busy lost in their thoughts about yesterday and the day before, and the day before that, and the next day and the next week. Thinking about things you can't change and the things that are not even promised. The only thing real and factual is RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW! And many of you are missing it. The BEST LIFE you have yet to live is standing right in front of you, but you're too busy focused on everything else going on, yet to come, and already passed.

It's time to change your focus. Time to reset and transform your thought process. Nothing can progress and move forward when you are constantly looking behind you. Anything in your past is meant to be exactly where it is at.....YOUR PAST. And your Destiny and or Future is not something that you need to continuously check for. What is meant to be will be. As long as you live from your TRUE CORE and or TRUE SELF, then meeting your Destiny is inevitable.

Knowledge and Growth is vital. You must find solace living outside of your comfort zone. The best part of life is when you stretch and expand yourself pass what you are used to. Without awareness, being present to the HERE AND NOW is not as easy as it sounds. The funny thing is that as most of you read this, you are saying that you do live in the here and now. And my response to that is, YES, you do have moments when you are living in the moment, but most times that moment is distracted by your thoughts, your cellphone, laptop, iPod, iPad, television, and so forth and so on.

It's time to BE STILL and take inventory of what is truly important. The first thing that should come to mind is YOUR PEACE! And you can't attain the peace you deserve if you are not in the here and now. Present to the very moment you are in, in the very moment you are in it.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Living From the True Self

    So often we make choices based on our circumstances. Other times we make choices based on what others believe is the best choice. In both of those platforms we are making choices that do not derive from our True Core. We are not living the life that is ours by Divine Right. STOP for one second and just think about what I'm saying. Take inventory of your life, past and present and truly look at the job you once worked or are currently working that you dislike because it's not really what you want to do. Or the relationship you once settled for or are still settling for. The Major you chose in college when you had a true passion for life and how your current job has absolutely nothing to do with that passion you once had that drove your decision making. NOW ask yourself, "What happened? What changed?"    The answer may come automatically and it actually may not be that easy. But once you find the answer, your next step should be towards getting back to or FOR SOME introducing yourself to your TRUE SELF.  The person God intended you to be.
    Everyone at one point in time or another has made a choice based on circumstance. Hell we all have responsibilities and families. But, at the end of the day there is a piece of us that feels anxious and empty all at the same time. Leaving us to wonder what is missing? And to make it SIMPLE. YOU are what is missing!! The TRUE YOU has been on the sidelines long enough. It's time to get back in the game!!
    So often, we speak life into the life of others and forget to speak it into our own lives. We teach our kids to be themselves and to be leaders and not followers and we constantly ask our friends and partners to "Keep It Real" and "Be Themselves". But, how many of us truly live out those same expectations we place on others? We owe it to ourselves to live from out TRUE CORE. Our TRUE BEING. Our DIVINE ESSENCE.
    In order to do that we must Meditate, Pray and Seek growth through knowledge. We must expand our self-awareness and not be afraid to face and accept those Ugly Dark things  about ourself because from Darkness Comes Light!!!

Namaste - I See The Divine In You