Fear can be a powerful thing especially if it is what you focus on the most. It can take everything from you or it can empower and move you into Greatness. Ultimately the choice is yours. I can honestly say that Fear has definitely been a battle for me for quite some time. FEAR of the unknown, Fear of Fear (if that makes sense), and most importantly Fear of failure. I am no stranger to Fear. It has stopped me from making certain decisions, while on the flip side it has pushed me towards success. I haven't quite figured out how to NOT BE AFRAID, but I will say that it is something I work towards everyday. It has not been easy, but like the saying goes... Anything worth having isn't easy. I have always been a worry wart and I'm sure many of you can relate. But one thing I do know for sure is that Living In Fear is not living at all. It is actually quite scary. I constantly remind myself that fear isn't a good place to be and I pray that it is something that I can overcome.
So I say that to say this. DON'T LET FEAR WIN!!! Be BIGGER than your FEAR. Know that God will make a way out of NO WAY. Turn your FEAR INTO FAITH and believe that anything in this life is possible. Stand tall and remind yourself that tough times don't last but tough people do. What doesn't kill you can only make you stronger. Figure out exactly what it is you want out of life and GO GET IT. Failure is not always a bad thing if you are able to learn from it. Don't stay stuck in it, but move past it. Life is a journey with many ups and downs, but the journey is always more important because it is where character and strength is built. Speak into existence the life that you want for yourself and those around you. You are the key to your success.
Until we meet again my friends... Peace and Blessings.