Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


You've heard me say many times that perception is everything. Change your perception, Change your life. Context is important in how you view life. The context in which you perceive things in life is ultimately how you perceive life. So change the context. It is important to understand that YOU HAVE THE POWER to create any possibility you want for your life. But, how you perceive life will determine the possibilities you do and don't create for yourself.

The questions you must start asking yourself is, "How do you perceive yourself?" "How do you perceive life and the events that have taken place?" Knowing and understanding who you AUTHENTICALLY are and how life occurs to you is important. In order to have this level of awareness you must become more present to life in the HERE AND NOW!! You can't know who you are if you are not present to who you are in each moment of your life. Most times we are NOT PRESENT to the HERE AND NOW because we are stuck in the past or we are already thinking and planning for tomorrow.

Ask yourself, "When was the last time you LIVED IN THE MOMENT?" When you just stopped and took inventory of everything going on around you. And I don't mean the chaos. I mean the subtleties and the true blessings of life. The very things we often lose sight of while hustling through life. It's so easy to say "We don't have time!!", but time is a man made constraint put on individuals to their limit their abilities to Manifest Destinies.

Remember, nothing is as it was. Learn to JUST BE in the moment. Become PRESENT to the HERE AND NOW and expand your perception. If you do, watch how life unfolds.....