Hey beautiful people!! It's been awhile since my last entry, but soo much has been going on. And BOY HAS IT BEEN QUITE AMAZING!! But tonight I want to talk about something that we all have a desire to do, but often struggle doing it... And that one thing is BREAKING FREE..
Whether we realize it or not the POWER of LANGUAGE keeps us bound in a box of limitations that we have created for ourselves and we don't even realize it. It's a linguistic box filled with all of the doubt, fear, judgments, failures, the should and the should not, and so forth and so on. We limit our selves and the possibilities of our lives by what we SPEAK INTO EXISTENCE. This invisible box is the box that shapes the world we live in.
Unfortunately, the language that has built this box that we live in is primarily based on the past. Everything in life exists in language. What I mean by that is you GIVE POWER AND LIFE to the things that you DECLARE WITH YOUR WORDS. We as human beings have the tendency to get in our own way and block our own blessings with the limited view we have of the life that we are living. But, in order to BREAK FREE and step outside of this box that we ourselves have created, we must first remove the past from the current life we are living. We must become PRESENT to the HERE AND NOW. The past is the past and cannot be changed. And constantly living in that past leaves no room for what exists in the PRESENT MOMENT. You must clear a space so that you can receive the new blessings awaiting you. It's just like a closet filled with clothes and shoes. Every few months you have to throw things out and make room for the new clothes. Or maybe just get rid of some of the things that you just no longer use. Well life is the same way in that we too must clean out the past junk that is crowding our box and keeping us from a place of PEACE AND BALANCE.
Being a HOARDER does not only apply to material things. We can also be HOARDERS emotionally and that can be even more detrimental because the repercussions of that HOARDING can MANIFEST through the body and that is NOT a good thing. BREAKING FREE comes when you learn to LET GO. I've talked about the ART OF LETTING GO in a previous post and how important that is to our individual existence. Holding on to what you CANNOT change is counterproductive and defeats the true purpose of why we exist. If we could learn to let go of the past and instead of living in the experience and the story we have created associated with the experience learn to live and be PRESENT with what is standing right in front of us, then the CHOICES that we make in life would be much different.
But hey who am I? These are just my thoughts as I experience this JOURNEY we call LIFE..