Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Coming Back Home

My mom has been home now going on three weeks. It has been a joyous time for the family, but I'm not quite sure my mom feels the same way. I wonder sometimes, what is it inside of her that keeps her worrying, when everything around her is okay. She's taking her medicine daily, she cooks meals daily, and her sleep has become much better. My heart goes out to her in ways that I cannot even explain and I wonder often times is there anything that I could be doing different that could make her better. I've prayed many a days and nights for GOD to bring peace to my mom. And although I know that HE has brought her to a place of peace, I wonder if she has realized that as well. It seems as though she worries about not being able to keep up with us. I tell her that keeping up with us is not what her getting better is all about. She can't keep up with my because I am in a Master's program and my baby is travelling all over achieving Great things. What she needs to be focused on, is her getting better for her. She needs to understand that we will all be fine, and we have been fine for quite some time now. Bria has graduated and is now furthering her education in college and I am continuing on with my studies as well. I have also maintained the house as best as I can. I pray for her to be in a good place and gain the understanding that GOD has HIS hand on us and we will be fine. My mom was someone whose FAITH was astounding, and now it's as of her FAITH has been diminished by this journey we call life. In time GOD heals all things and I know that my mom will be fine. It is not up to me, it is up to HIM!! When HE sees fit, HE will do what needs to be done!! IN JESUS NAME I PRAY!! AMEN

Maintaining My Own Sanity

As I spend time informing others of the importance of maintaining peace of mind, I often forget about my own. It has been said that those who give the best advice rarely take heed to their own words. I must admit, I too am a victim of that very theory. These last few weeks have been very hard for me emotionally, but I remain strong, trusting that MY GOD will continue to covet and bless me as only HE CAN!! I have definitely been down a long travelled road, full of highs and lows, and ups and downs. My daughter had an ASTOUNDING OLYMPIC RUN, coming home with not 1 but 2 GOLD MEDALS AND SHE EVEN BROKE THE AAU NATIONAL RECORD, NOT ONCE, BUT TWICE. I AM DEFINITELY A PROUD MOM!!! She has also began her journey into high school. I am proud and nervous at the same time. But, I know that she will do well. For me, I am coming up on 1 year of being in my Master's program. I am very excited and nervous all at the same time. I have  a year left of class and about 6 months of intern that must be done. I can't wait to get my feet wet, but I am such a perfectionist, I just hope that I make my profession proud. I want to make a difference. I love what I do and knowing that what I do can enhance someones life. But, before I can help others with the struggles of everyday life, I must make sure that I first am ok. I cannot help someone else if I cannot help myself. It is ok to say that I AM NOT PERFECT!! Because truthfully NO ONE IS!! As long as I continuously recognize the things that are going on in mu life, GOOD and BAD, then I will be able to be the BEST that I can be for not only myself , but for my clients as well. I THANK GOD everyday for the small things and REJOICE in the things to come.