Embracing CHANGE

It's amazing how life can take the swiftest turn and CHANGE everything you thought to be possible. CHANGE does not always mean the loss of something... CHANGE is a means of creating another way to ACCOMPLISH your goals...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stepping Up To The Plate

Over the last month and a half my responsibilities have definitely increased, requiring me to now "STEP UP TO THE PLATE". I have been battling with the notion of being my moms conservator, but I had to do it. I went to court yesterday, well considering the time it would have been Monday now. I was granted conservator ship over my mom and it entailed alot more than I realized. My mom is not allowed to drive while being conserved and she cannot make any financial or medical decisions for herself. I am in control of everything and the doctors cannot make any decisions for her without my consent and authorization. I am happy with the decision that I made because now I can be an advocate for my mom and be informed of what is going on at all times. That also means that it is up to me to see that my sister is as successful as she can possibly be. It has been hard work but she is coming along quite well. She will be starting college in July and I am so excited for her. My daughter is starting high school this fall and I am soo excited for that as well. I know she will be fine, I just wish her dad would not be so fearful. I know he just wants to keep her safe and protected, but he must let her gain a sense of independence and confidence on her own. She must be and feel comfortable with her abilities to make the best decisions for herself. GOD is working everything out in HIS own way and I am eternally grateful.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Her Time Is Now

This post is dedicated to my baby girl Nia Samon Britt. I have watched her grow into such an amazing young lady and I am soo proud of her. This past year has been simply BLESSED. Nia has broken quite a few records and is headed to her third Junior Olympics appearance. This past season was her final season competing with the Northridge Pacers, but she definitely went out with a bang and left her name all across the record books. What she has accomplished just this season alone, hasn't been done since 1994 and 1996. I am utterly proud to be her mom and be able to experience a part of her life with her. She is going to do amazing things in this lifetime and I just want to make sure that I can be there to partake in as many moments as possible. I look back at my life and I want to be better. I want to be the BEST, even though I know that in her eyes I am the best mom, but I want to make sure that everyday I do my best. She is my world and I hurt when I can't be what she needs and wants me to be because for soo long I had to be soo many things for others. But, it's her time now. Peace and Blessings

Checkin' In

It's been really busy lately and I was feeling quite overwhelmed. Between my mom going into the hospital right before Memorial day weekend and my lil sister having prom that weekend as well, I was about to explode, but GOD pulled me through as always. My mom is in the hospital again on another 30 day hold and this time she was forced to miss my lil sister's prom AND graduation. She will also miss my daughter's graduation as well and that hurts me soo much. I've done pretty well with not breaking down, but I finally had a breakdown in the wee hours of this morning. For the last couple of nights I have been falling to sleep earlier than normal, but I end up waking up around 3:30am and find myself up for the next few hours, until the sun slowly begins to rise. But, this time I just broke down on my knees and cried out to GOD. I wept like a small child and I felt a small calm and peace come over me. I know that the only reason why I am as strong as I am is because of GOD, because of my faith. I find myself getting weary many days and I often have let it get the best of me. But, not anymore. Everyday is a new day to make new choices and live a new life. Peace and Blessings

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Life sure can throw you a bevy of curveballs and it's important that you stay ready. No one ever said life would be easy, but I'm sure most people would have never thought in a million years that life could get to be soo hard. We live in a world where instant gratification is the theme of our survival. It's never a moment that goes by when there isn't someone trying to be a part of what's "in". I heard a great phrase tonight, "your never happy unless your unhappy". It was in relation to a well-known NBA Basketball coach. That is a very true statement. Some people are soo used to being unhappy that they don't know how to be happy. They find contentment and solitude in being miserable because that is what they are used to. It's amazing how the fear of change can keep a person bound and limited. Change can be a good thing, it allows for the opportunity for more blessings. The one thing that is forever consistent in this  world is change. Nothing stays the same and even if HISTORY repeats itself, please believe that there has been a few tweeks done to adjust to current times. Like EN VOGUE used to say....."FREE YOUR MIND AND THE REST WILL FOLLOW"..... peace and blessings